Gift Membership (1 Year) Promo v2

$ 86.50

Limited Time Only! 10% off Individual, Dual, & Family Level Gift Memberships.


Please select your desired Membership Level from the dropdown menu. Please note that only levels currently available on the Membership Join Page. Please select whether you would like their Membership Welcome Package gift wrapped.

Please provide your contact information as the gift purchaser in the Contact and Billing sections.

Please enter the Gift Recipient's address in the Shipping section.

Please utilize the "Special instructions for seller" section to confirm the following information:

  • Gift Recipient Name, Telephone Number, Email address
  • Gift Message (optional)

These steps will ensure that the Membership Package is sent to the giftee, while Tax Deductibility information is sent to the gifter, and we have all the necessary contact information to set up the Member Account for the gift Membership recipient. 

Membership Cards will be sent directly to the gift recipient unless otherwise specified. Your giftee will not receive a digital notification of their gift prior to the arrival of their Membership Welcome Package. After their Membership Welcome Package is shipped, they will be added to the Petersen Member distribution list.

Please allow 2-3 weeks for gift delivery. Processing time may increase if any necessary information is omitted at checkout. If you'd like to request a digital message be sent to the gift recipient prior to the arrival of their physical Welcome Package, please contact us.

If you have questions or updates: | 323-964-6375